Pull vs. Push Parsers
Both XmlLite and SAX2 are non-caching, forward-only parsers. For this type of parser, there are two varieties of programming models:
• Pull programming model. In a pull model, after your application initiates parsing, it calls methods repeatedly to retrieve, or pull, the next node. After retrieving a node, your application can look at the node, including its name, value, attributes, and more. As appropriate, the parser advances so that the next time the application retrieves a node, it gets the next one. XmlLite follows a pull programming model.
• Push programming model. In a push model, your application registers event handlers to receive nodes and information from the parser. After initiating parsing, the parser calls these event handlers, sending (or pushing) nodes to them. The MSXML SAX2 parser follows this programming model.
There are several advantages to the pull programming model:
• It is significantly easier to program for the pull model. Your application takes the form of a loop, where you get the next node, process it, and repeat, until the entire file is processed, or until your application determines that no more processing is required.
• In contrast, the push model requires your application to keep a significant amount of state. Keeping state means that your application needs to keep variables that contain the context of the current node. The combination of implementing a number of event handlers and keeping state means that much more housekeeping is necessary to implement an application.
• If your application is more suitable for a push parser, it is possible to wrap some classes around a pull parser and implement a push programming model. However, the reverse is not true.
Both the push and pull type parsers are significantly different in semantic behavior and performance from the Document Object Model (DOM) programming interface.
You Must Use a Class that Implements IStream
Both the XmlLite reader and writer use a stream object for reading and writing the XML. Therefore, you must either use or implement a class that extends the IStream interface.
After you have created a reader by calling CreateXmlReader , you attach the IStream object to the reader by calling the SetInput method. After you have created a writer by calling CreateXmlWriter, you attach the IStream object by calling the SetOutput method.
If you implement your own class, and if you want to read or write XML directly from another type of stream, you can change the implementation of your IStream class as appropriate. If you want to use a simple in-memory IStream implementation, you can use the function CreateStreamOnHGlobal. If you want to use an IStream implementation that reads from and to a text file, you can use SHCreateStreamOnFile.
For details about programming with the XmlLite reader, see Reading an XML Document Using XmlLite.
For convenience, you can get a default implementation of a simple IStream class from the default IStream implementation. This implementation is the same as that used in many of the XmlLite samples.
XmlLite Is Not an ActiveX Control
XmlLite is not an ActiveX control. It is simply a DLL. As such, it cannot be used from scripting languages, such as JScript or Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript). Like any DLL, XmlLite can be used from C#; however, C# applications would more typically use the XML parsers in System.XML. XmlLite is primarily meant to be used with C++.
XmlLite Is Not Thread Safe
XmlLite is not thread-safe. If you are writing a multi-threaded application, it is up to you to make sure that you use XmlLite in a thread-safe manner. For example, if one of your threads has called the method to retrieve the next node, and that method has not returned, you must programmatically prevent another thread from attempting to retrieve a node.
XmlLite Does Not Provide Access to Typed Content
Unlike the managed System.Xml.XmlReader, the IXmlReader does not provide APIs to access typed content. You can declare that an element is of a certain type, but you cannot retrieve that element as that specified data type. All values are returned as strings, and it is up to the application to convert to types other than string.
Support for Namespaces
XmlLite implements namespaces in compliance with the W3C Namespaces in XML specification. That specification can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names.
Due to implementation and security constraints, the IXmlReader imposes bounds on some of the XML constructs. For example, consider the following:
• All names are limited to 4GB in size. In the example above, nameOfElement and attrName have this limit.
• Attribute values are limited to 2GB in size. In the example above, attrValue has this limit.
• Text values are limited to 4GB in size without chunking, and are unlimited with chunking. To read values with chunking, you use the ReadValueChunk method. For an example of chunking, see Reading an XML Document Using Chunking.
• The number of attributes on an element is limited to 64K.
If any of these limits are exceeded, then XmlLite returns an error.
Special Handling of Nodes
The DOCTYPE node is handled in a special way. When you read a DOCTYPE node, the NodeType is XmlNodeType_DocumentType. The PUBLIC and/or SYSTEM literals are presented as attributes with the names "PUBLIC" and "SYSTEM", respectively. The internal subset can be accessed by using GetValue, and the subset will be returned as a string.
The Xml declaration is also handled in a special way. When you read it, the NodeType is XmlNodeType_XmlDeclaration. The node has no value and has "xml" as the local name. It has no namespace and has up to three attributes: version, standalone, and encoding.
White Space Normalization
All white space in XmlLite is normalized as per the XML 1.0 specification. For more information, see Section 2.10 of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 Specification at http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#sec-white-space.
Error Handling
There are three classes of errors in XmlLite:
• Argument errors. These errors are recoverable and further processing can continue. An example of an argument error is passing an incorrect or illegal value for an argument.
• Parsing errors. These errors are not recoverable, but the same instance of the reader can be used by resetting the input source.
• All other errors. All other errors are not recoverable, and the instance of the reader can no longer be reused.
Because some errors are not recoverable and may lead to unexpected behavior in further processing, it is crucial that the application user inspect the error code (HRESULT) returned by each method call before proceeding.
For more information about error codes, see XmlLite Error Codes.
Encoding Detection
There are three places that an encoding can be specified while in the process of parsing an encoded Xml document:
• The encoding can be specified in the document via a Byte Order Mark (BOM). The BOM may appear at the beginning of an XML entity. The BOM is used both to indicate the byte order of the input stream and as a specification of the input encoding.
• The encoding can be specified in the document in the Xml declaration.
• The encoding can be specified programmatically when creating the input stream. This specification can either be mandatory, or as a hint.
If the user of XmlLite specifies a mandatory encoding programmatically, XmlLite ignores the encoding specified in the Xml declaration. The encoding specified in the Xml declaration (or as overridden programmatically) is the desired encoding.
If there is a BOM, and it conflicts with the desired encoding, parsing will fail.
If there is no BOM, and if the encoding hint was specified as TRUE, then XmlLite will try to parse with the desired encoding. If that fails, XmlLite will attempt to automatically detect the encoding of the specified document.
If there is no BOM, and if the encoding hint was specified as FALSE, then XmlLite will try to parse with the desired encoding. If there is no match between the desired encoding and the encoding of the document, XmlLite parsing will fail. In this case, XmlLite will not attempt to automatically detect the encoding of the document.
If automatic detection of the encoding of the document fails, then XmlLite reports an error on line 0.
If there is no BOM, and there is no desired encoding, XmlLite will attempt to automatically detect the encoding of the document.
The following encodings are supported natively:
• UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-16BE
• UCS-2 and UCS-4
• SO88591, ISO88592, ISO88593, ISO88594, ISO88595, ISO88596, ISO88597, ISO88598, and ISO88599
• Windows1250, Windows1251, Windows1252, Windows1253, Windows1254, Windows 1255, Windows1256, Windows1257, and Windows1258
For additional encoding support, you can co-create an instance of IMultiLanguage2* and set XmlReaderProperty_MultiLanguage. By default, the value of this property is NULL.
DTD Support
Document Type Definition (DTD) support is limited to entity expansion and default attributes.
When a DTD is used, DTD default attributes are returned just as if they were normal attributes; the only difference is that default attributes return TRUE when the IsDefault method is called.
For example with a DTD:
If the myAttr attribute on the myElement element is not defined in the XML stream, it will be given the default value of 123.
Semantics of String Handling
The following IXmlReader methods return a string pointer: GetLocalName, GetNamespaceUri, GetPrefix, GetQualifiedName, and GetValue.
When calling these methods, be aware that the pointer is only valid until you move the reader to another node. When you move the reader to another node, XmlLite may reuse the memory referenced by the pointer. Therefore, you should not use the pointer after calling one of the following methods: Read, MoveToNextAttribute, MoveToFirstAttribute, MoveToAttributeByName and MoveToElement. Although they do not move the reader, the following two methods will also make the pointer invalid: SetInput and IUnknown::Release. If you want to preserve the value that was returned in the string, you should make a deep copy.